Would you like to explore the best ways to get to Swinoujscie? Search for a ferry to Swinoujscie consulting our online search service. Our site allows you to compare the routes to Swinoujsciedeparting from :destFrom along with crossing times, journey times and prices.
Swinoujscie has sea connections with Sweden (Malmö). The links to Swinoujscie are served by Finnlines only who carry out 14 trips per week with boardings and crossing times not exceeding 8 hours 45 minutes.
Hurry up, there aren't many seats left, book your trip right now and travel with ease, thanks to NetFerry services!
Are you looking for a ferry to SWINOUJSCIE?
Finnlines operate services to SWINOUJSCIE.
If you are looking for more information on your journey, then visit our website Ferries from Swinoujscie .